Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Being an emo with some cool and hot emo accessories gives you a unique look and feel. A wide range and variety of emo accessories are available, both online as well as in market stores. Wearing emo bags are a great way to express your innermost emo self.

Emo bag

Also, polka-dotted backpacks with popular cartoon characters like Pucca or simple black ones with a white skull, shoulder bags with small skulls and bones pattern are available among many others.

Emo belt is another accessory worth having. You can choose among a variety of studded belts, flower belts or different design belts. Boys and girls alike, love having Emo fingerless gloves. These gloves are available in different striped colors with or without skulls or other images on them. Even plain black ones with small images look cool.

Emo Hair Clip

Emo jewelry is a hot accessory that is desired among many emo boys and girls. Black, pink, blue, red kitty necklaces and earrings, star or heart studded bracelets, polka dots, zebra stripes or skull earrings help emo girls portray their Emo personality.

You can even get new emo boot laces in different colors and patterns like starts, checks or stripes. Emo girls love to have stripped or plain black or pink Emo leg warmers. This is one emo accessory that will give you cool looks in winters while keeping you warm.

Like to carry an umbrella around? Try getting a new emo umbrella. Emo umbrellas are available in polka dots, checks, star, skull, or cherry patterns. The black, red, pink colors are the most common colors of these types of umbrellas.

Emo boots and shoes can definitely make you stand out from the crowd. Black leather ones with thick soles will raise your emo spirits. In addition to plain ones, some have heart patterns or small bows to add variety.

These emo accessories add to your emo nature and highlight you mood and style. Choose the ones that make you feel like a true emo.