Today emo is a combined symbol of your inner-self, your personality and fashion. It defines the world as you perceive it and as you want it to perceive you. Emos, being generally introvert in nature, find this as an outlet to show their emotional self to the world without expressing it in words. This graphical representation of ones emotional spirit has found large acceptance among the young teenagers, both girls and boys alike.
Emos are not only smart but they are good at conversation contrary to beliefs that they are dumb. Getting an emo to talk with you will take time if you find it hard to start conversation with topics that are truly meaningful and intelligent, as emos shun general gossip and news. Emos do stay a little aloof but when you really get to know an emo closely, you find them as good as anybody else to make friends with.
An emo today symbolizes the identity of being oneself wearing his or her attitude all over. Whether it is the hair, shoes, clothes, or accessories emo is written all over them, around them. They live in their own world that is not impregnable, even if you are not an emo yourself.
The best way to go about being an emo is believing in yourself and putting that belief in action. A true emo will never pretend to be interested in something that he or she is not really into or believes in.
Emos today are more sensitive and quiet and yet when they defend their opinions, everyone listens to them. They generally avoid confrontations and are warped up in their own emotions to care about what others might think.